Audio Freedom Freedom. It is a big topic. But who could live without freedom? So let me try to share something valuable in this article. Instead of diving into some abstract concepts, I want to tell you a short story. A little girl was diagnosed with heart disease and one of their doctors told her…
Keeper of the King’s Conscience (audio available)
Once upon a time, there were two courts on this planet: the court of law and the court of equity. As the years went by, the line between the two blurred. For good or evil, the court of equity which embraces flexible discretion, gradually evolved into the court of law (here we mean common law),…
Should the Equitable Confidentiality Envelop Your Privacy Rights?
Introduction Does confidentiality protect your privacy? The public’s growing concern about privacy in modern society has sparked academic debates for centuries. This essay begins by reviewing the elements of the equitable doctrine of confidentiality and the origins of the legal concepts of both confidentiality and privacy. First, the essay examines the scope of the equitable…
The Challenge Of Institutional Sexual Abuse – A Vicarious Liability
I Introduction The status quo of bringing legal action for sexual abuse against institutions may not be optimistic for the victims. This essay examines the legal difficulties surrounding vicarious liability in institutional abuse claims by analysing relevant case laws and discussing important legal principles. Additionally, it reflects on the recent law reform in New South…
Can Powerful Tribunal Decisions Save Our Ocean According To UNCLOS?
– Introduction UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) is the “Bible” for the Law of the Sea. The increasing threat to our marine environment caused by harmful human activities has prompted a focus on legal interpretation. This essay examines how the Tribunal creatively interpreted certain articles in Part XII of…
Is a World Court of Human Rights a Better Choice?
– Reflecting Australia’s Immigration Detention Issue in relation to Article 9 of the ICCPR Introduction This essay aims to examine the pro and cons of implementing a World Court of Human Rights (WCHR) mechanism within the current global human rights system dominated by the United Nations. It argues that the WCHR represents a new utopia…