Audio Freedom Freedom. It is a big topic. But who could live without freedom? So let me try to share something valuable in this article. Instead of diving into some abstract concepts, I want to tell you a short story. A little girl was diagnosed with heart disease and one of their doctors told her…
Keeper of the King’s Conscience (audio available)
Once upon a time, there were two courts on this planet: the court of law and the court of equity. As the years went by, the line between the two blurred. For good or evil, the court of equity which embraces flexible discretion, gradually evolved into the court of law (here we mean common law),…
Legal Plunder: Frédéric Bastiat’s Insights in “The Law”
If I were to recommend a great old book about legal topic, it must be “The Law”, written by Frédéric Bastiat. First published in 1850, this book spans only 55 pages. This little gem is a classic treatise on the nature of law, and its role in society. C.S. Lewis suggested that we should focus…
Groundbreaking Legal Sentence: Rehabilitation through Law School
Renewing ourselves involves morning learning from the news like “Rehabilitation through Law School”. As a law student, I’m intrigued by this groundbreaking “Federal Sentence Includes Law School’’ (link below) for a cocaine trafficking case – Ms. Madill was accused of trafficking cocaine in 2018. I have several questions after reading this unique sentence. What is…
Should the Equitable Confidentiality Envelop Your Privacy Rights?
Introduction Does confidentiality protect your privacy? The public’s growing concern about privacy in modern society has sparked academic debates for centuries. This essay begins by reviewing the elements of the equitable doctrine of confidentiality and the origins of the legal concepts of both confidentiality and privacy. First, the essay examines the scope of the equitable…
Empowering Analysis of Unconscionable Conduct in the ASIC Act 2001
Executive Summary Unconscionable conduct is the focused point of ss 12CA and 12CB of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 (Cth). Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) Background Paper FSL9 (link) argues that the proliferation and overlapping of existing legislations, specifically ss 12CA and 12CB of this Act, create ‘’unnecessary complexity in the law’’.…
Criminal Case Simulations: Perspective On Volunteering For Bar Readers’ Course
(Criminal Case Simulations through legal role-playing is is my volunteering task to assist with 2022 South Australia Bar Readers’ Course. To know more about SA Bar Readers’ Course, you are welcome to check out their website: Link) Day 1 – 3 Dec 2022 / Elliott Johnston Chambers (Image source: Elliott Johnston Chambers, Copyright of this…
The Challenge Of Institutional Sexual Abuse – A Vicarious Liability
I Introduction The status quo of bringing legal action for sexual abuse against institutions may not be optimistic for the victims. This essay examines the legal difficulties surrounding vicarious liability in institutional abuse claims by analysing relevant case laws and discussing important legal principles. Additionally, it reflects on the recent law reform in New South…
6 Vital Elements of Successful Negligence Claims Explained :and More
(This is a fictional negligence case) ’’Porter v The West Bloke Hotel’’ Advice to Elliot 1, Duty of Care Analysis The occupier of premises must exercise the standard of care accordingly.[1] Therefore, the West Bloke Hotel, which has full control over the premises, must ensure the safety of the entrants. Elliot is not an invitee…
How To Understand the Criminal Law: Consent and Liability
[Legislation: Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (South Australia)] I INTRODUCTION A criminal offence typically consists of two components: physical elements and fault elements. However, s 20A of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) (‘CLCA’) regarding ‘’choking, suffocation or strangulation” (‘’CSS’’), particularly par. (1) of s 20A, appears to be completely silent on the fault…