(This is a fictional negligence case) ’’Porter v The West Bloke Hotel’’ Advice to Elliot 1, Duty of Care Analysis The occupier of premises must exercise the standard of care accordingly.[1] Therefore, the West Bloke Hotel, which has full control over the premises, must ensure the safety of the entrants. Elliot is not an invitee…
How To Understand the Criminal Law: Consent and Liability
[Legislation: Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (South Australia)] I INTRODUCTION A criminal offence typically consists of two components: physical elements and fault elements. However, s 20A of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) (‘CLCA’) regarding ‘’choking, suffocation or strangulation” (‘’CSS’’), particularly par. (1) of s 20A, appears to be completely silent on the fault…
Powerful Defense Against Defamation: Unmasking Truth Behind Virgil Abloh
Defense against defamation can wield significant power when the case satisfies various legal prerequisites. In this article, allow me to unveil the truth behind the defamatory allegations concerning Virgil Abloh. “Belgian Designer Accuses Virgil Abloh of Copying. Again.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/fashion/virgil-abloh-walter-van-beirendonck-kanye-west-louis-vuitton.html (This paper is only for educational purposes. This is just a case study for discussion. )…